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Freezing a Woman’s Eggs in Her 20s May be the Next New Reproductive Revolution

Freezing a Woman’s Eggs in Her 20s May be the Next New Reproductive Revolution
Unlike most assets that accrue value with time, a woman’s fertility has a depreciating trajectory. The longer women wait to conceive, the higher chances of miscarriage and infertility, especially after age 35. Your 20s are the optimal time to capture reproductive material. According to the National Institutes of Health, “the rate of miscarriage in 20-year-olds was 10% and rose dramatically after age 30, reaching 53% in women over age 45.

Here are some key factors to consider when undertaking the thought of egg freezing.
• Preserving Fertility: By freezing eggs at a younger age, women can preserve their fertility for the future, especially if they are not ready to have children yet.
• Higher Success Rates: Eggs frozen at a younger age are generally of higher quality, which can lead to higher success rates when they are used for fertility treatments later on.
Reduced Risk of Genetic Abnormalities: Younger eggs are less likely to have genetic abnormalities, which can reduce the risk of certain birth defects
• Cost: Egg freezing can be expensive, and the cost of storage and potential fertility treatments in the future should be taken into account.
• Emotional Impact: The decision to freeze eggs can be emotionally complex, as it involves thinking about future fertility challenges and potential outcomes.
• Not a Guarantee: While egg freezing can increase the chances of having biological children later in life, it is not a guarantee of future pregnancy.
• Delaying Parenthood: As more women focus on their careers and personal goals, delaying parenthood has become more common, making egg freezing an attractive option.
• Empowerment: Egg freezing can empower women to make choices about their reproductive health on their own terms, without feeling pressured by societal expectations
• Improvements in Technology: Advances in egg freezing techniques have made the process more effective and reliable, increasing its popularity among women.
• Increased Awareness: Greater awareness about fertility preservation options has led more women to consider egg freezing as a proactive step towards family planning.
In conclusion, freezing eggs in the 20s can be a proactive way for women to take control of their reproductive futures and preserve their fertility for the future.

